WAIRE Program Overview: How Trio can help with your WAIRE Compliance


What is the WAIRE program? Why am I being notified I am out of  compliance and what do I do next? 

Are these some of the questions your company has been challenged to answer? If so, Trio has a deep understanding of WAIRE and can provide strategic and implementation support to ensure you are in compliance. 

WAIRE Overview: What are SoCal Warehouse Emissions costing you? The Warehouse Actions and Investments to Reduce Emissions (WAIRE) program, borne out of the implementation of the Indirect Source Rule (ISR) 2305 requires warehousing facilities reduce emissions and pollutants from the goods movement industry, specifically around warehouse operations.

Download our WAIRE Program overview.

Fill out the form below to learn more about the rule and how Trio can help with your compliance.